When it comes to the national average, “Chennai wasn’t the best city in India for loading video on smartphones. Of the 50 cities we analysed, Thiruvananthapuram came top with an average 4G Video Load Time of just 5.8 seconds, pushing Chennai into second place,” said OpenSignal report. Opensignal ranked India’s biggest cities based on 4G video load time, which measures the average time taken for a mobile video to load and for the picture to start moving. “As mobile habits change and big data bundles become more affordable, millions of Indians are turning to their smartphones as their main way of watching the video,” said the report, as reported by IANS. The report found that India’s video experience is moving in the right direction, as all four of the country’s key 4G operators scored a “Fair” rating — “an improvement on the ‘Poor’ ranking they received when we first analyzed Video Experience in the country six months ago”. “However, even a ‘Fair’ rating means load times are sluggish; stops and stutters mid-stream are common and connections often have trouble coping with higher-resolution formats,” the report added.

4G Video Load Time in Chennai is Fastest at Six Seconds Among IPL Cities  OpenSignal - 74