In a new development, Chrome OS will be receiving a new adaptive charging feature which will help the users of Chromebook in extending the battery life of their devices. The new feature has been posted by the Chrome OS team as a part of its latest change announcements, however, it has not officially been confirmed by the company. To recall, an adaptive charging feature was also released for the users of Google Pixel smartphones. The feature was also updated making it more efficient for the users and was released with the Android 12 update recently. Multiple other smartphone manufacturers offer a similar kind of charging optimisation feature as well.

How will Adaptive Charging Work?

It was initially spotted by 9to5Google that the company has enlisted adaptive charging as a new attribute under works for the Chrome OS. Although, it is speculated that this feature will be dissimilar to the adaptive charging available for the Pixel smartphones which was released in 2020. According to the initial details derived from the code, the adaptive feature on Chrome OS will help in cutting the amount of time Chromebooks spend with their batteries at 100% charge. On the other hand, the adaptive charging feature on the android smartphones ‘slow’ charges the devices when plugged in overnight in order to preserve the battery life. The feature will work completely different with Chromebooks. The adaptive charging feature on Chrome OS will utilize on-device machine learning to recognize the patterns and will select a certain charging speed for the device based on it. Hence, the feature will not delay the charging process altogether on Chromebooks but will work in a manner that ensures battery durability. Currently, it has not been officially confirmed by Google, as to when the adaptive charging will be available on Chrome OS. Furthermore, it is also not known whether the feature will arrive with newer Chromebooks or will also be made available on the existing models. However, the code suggests that users will get a notification alert when the adaptive charging mode is enabled on the device and will also get an option to disable it.

Chromebooks Might Get Extended Battery Life With the Introduction of Adaptive Charging on Chrome OS - 4