Account Related Updates on WhatsApp Instead of SMS and emails, these days WhatsApp is considered as a more personalised medium for text-based conversations. As such, the companies are moving their communications over to the Facebook-owned platform using their WhatsApp Business official accounts to convey important information. Similarly, Dish TV’s new WhatsApp update service can be subscribed by giving a missed call from your registered mobile number to the toll-free number 1800 375 7878. In turn, Dish TV will now update you about your connection with details like your last recharge amount, date of recharge, your account balance, and additional information like new offers and channel packs. Dish TV Skill on Alexa For this feature, Dish TV has ventured beyond the space of your television screen to offer Alexa Skill which will work in sync with your Dish TV connection and Alexa. To enable this service from Dish TV, you can set-up your Alexa enabled device and say “Alexa, Enable Dish TV”. Alternatively, you can go to the Dish TV Skill page on the Alexa store and tap the “Enable Skill” button. With this feature, you will be able to ask Alexa questions about what’s playing on a particular channel, schedule a customer service call, ask about your Dish TV account balance and more. ‘Help Me Find the Right Product’ App on Dish TV Website This app is available on the Dish TV website and is a handy one for the new customers looking to subscribe to Dish TV. When subscribers open this application they can choose their TV type, whether they own an HD TV or an SD TV, and then they can define their location. Based on this information, Dish TV will suggest you about the appropriate set-top box and subscription option in addition to a channel pack which will be selected based on your residence. For example, if you own an HD TV and live in the Tamil region, then Dish TV will suggest you to buy a DishNXTHD connection with a relevant Tamil pack. But, of course, in line with the new regulatory framework, you will be free to tweak your channels and channel packs while buying the connection.

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