Telegram is one of the most widely used chatting applications globally after WhatsApp. Even Telegram has more than a billion downloads like WhatsApp, a feat that can’t be ignored by anyone. When the company first arrived on the scene, it said to the users; we are never going to charge you. But that’s changing later this month as Telegram will launch a Premium subscription of the application for users. Here’s everything you should know about this.

Telegram Premium Details

Telegram will continue to offer the existing features of the app for free, said Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram. In an official announcement, Durov said that Telegram couldn’t remove all limits to offering a better user experience as it would scale the server and traffic costs to an unmanageable level. Thus, the company is building a Premium model for users who are ready to pay a little to get more out of the app. Durov said that Telegram Premium is a subscription plan that will allow users to acquire additional features, speed and resources. Further, the users on the Premium plan will get the new features before everyone else. Durov asked users not to worry as the existing features will continue to come for free, and the company will keep adding new features at regular intervals. Even users who are not on the Premium plan of Telegram will be able to benefit from it indirectly as they will be able to view media and stickers along with extra-large documents sent by the Premium users. The main reason for charging users is to keep the focus on what users need rather than going to the advertisers and losing focus on the consumers, said Telegram. The Premium model would allow Telegram to keep its priorities straight. Details around the pricing of the premium model aren’t out right now. Also, whether the Premium subscription would arrive in each country together is unknown.

Telegram Premium Confirmed for this Month  Should You be Worried - 74