The instant messaging service platform, Telegram provides end-to-end encrypted video calling, VoIP, file sharing and several other features. The cloud-based mobile application has witnessed tremendous growth in India in the last few years. Telegram offers multiple exciting features that set it apart from other messaging platforms. In this article, we have curated a list of a few features which can help you use the Telegram app more efficiently.

Slow Mode

Telegram application comes with a slow mode feature that can really help the group admins. Group admins can make use of the slow mode feature on the application when a large number of messages are being sent to a particular group. The slow mode can be enabled for different time intervals. For example, if the slow mode is enabled for 1 minute, then group members can send only one message per minute.

Editing Sent Messages

There can be multiple instances where users realise they have made mistakes in the messages that they have sent. For such scenarios, telegram offers features that can help you edit the wrongly sent messages. All you need to do is press and hold on to the message that has been wrongly sent and then tap “edit” to edit the text.


Telegram offers a feature where you can conduct polls on channels and groups. The platform offers three kinds of polls – Visible Polls which allows for everyone to see who voted for what, Multiple Answers which allows users to register multiple answers on one poll and a Quiz Poll which has only one correct answer.

Free Unlimited Online Storage

Telegram offers a cloud storage option as well which allows you to store all common file types such as text messages, images, links, audio and video notes, locations, contacts, and links as long as they are not bigger than 1.5 GB. The feature can be accessed by swiping right on the homepage and selecting “saved messages”


Telegram comes with a variety of customisation options that lets users have truly personalised experiences on the platform. Users can change chat background, colour theme of the app, message corners and more. Users can also switch between the night mode and also make the emojis display larger. These features can be accessed under the chat settings options.

Telegram Top and Exciting Features for Users - 1